Tsurumi pumps

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If you are not sure what you need, scroll down slowly and read the text describing each group, when you click on an image you will be taken to a page containing specifications including heat output, weight, pricing, stock availability, etc. and also links to the similar style models with different specs.

Tsurumi diaphragm pumps (2)
click here to buy a pump from this rangeUse them and abuse them, a lot of rental and contractor environments for big pumps involves damage at some point where they are alloswed to run dry. This type of pump is designed to run dry without damage. A little more up front money than a trash or centrifugal pump but you can save money in the first year through lower damage and downtime.
Tsurumi TD5-200 Honda Powered 2 Inch Diaphragm Pump Tsurumi TD5-300 Honda Powered 3 Inch Diaphragm Pump

Tsurumi centrifugal pumps (3)
click here to buy a pump from this rangeContractor grade tools that are just now beginning to make it into the rental yards. Tsurumi centrifugal pumps utilize silicon carbide seals that are incredibly heat resistant. Unlike the competition's ceramic seals that overheat, break and leave the machine sitting in the corner out of service, these models will perform cold start after cold start and are beginning to become very popular with contractors and rental yards alike.
TE2-50RX robin powered centrifugal pump TE3-50HAT honda powered centrifugal pump TE3-80HAT honda powered centrifugal pump

Tsurumi trash pumps (3)
click here to buy a pump from this rangeThese trash pumps utilize Tsurumi's silicon carbide seals to make sure they outlast all of the competition. If you need to pump dirty water and you need to pump it reliably, this is the right equipment.
EPT3-50HA honda powered trash pump Tsurumi Honda Powered 3 Inch Trash Pump Tsurumi Honda Powered 4 Inch Trash Pump

Tsurumi high pressure pumps (1)
click here to buy a pump from this rangeThese machines have one suction port but multiple discharge ports, use 1, 2 or 3 discharge ports at the same time. Use one of the smallest ports and neither of the other two for the highest pressure. Great flexible machines. Easy to work on. Many uses including irrigation and fire fighting.
Tsurumi Honda Powered High Pressure Pump

Tsurumi submersible trash pumps (1)
click here to buy a pump from this rangeDesigned to move trashy water without the use of a suction hose. These are the pumps that Tsurumi demo at the shows moving an 80% sand and 20% water mixture all day long. Easy maintenance procedures, great performance.
HS2.4S-62 submersible trash pump

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